Get Involved

Get Involved

With so many wonderful activities, clubs, events and fundraisers throughout the year, there are many opportunities to get involved through the Ben Franklin PTA. Share your time and talents, make new friends and connect with your child’s school community.

Join the PTA

If you’re not already a member, please support our mission by joining today.

Attend PTA Meetings

Attending meetings is a great way to learn more about what’s going on in the PTA! We generally hold a mix of evening and daytime meetings to ensure everyone has an opportunity to attend. PTA meetings are open to all Ben Franklin parents and guardians to attend, but only PTA members may vote.  Please check the calendar today and join us at the next meeting!


We host many events throughout the year that would not be possible without our wonderful parent volunteers. There are opportunities to volunteer during the school day for events like our annual fun run and class parties, as well as evening volunteer spots for occasions like our annual winter dance party. Be sure to sign up for our weekly email to be notified of upcoming volunteer opportunities.

CHAIR (or co-chair) A COMMITTEE or club

From being a parent lead for running club or 5th Grade Ambassadors, to planning dine out fundraisers or community outreach, there are plenty of options for parents who want to get more involved. With so many different committees and clubs with varying time commitments, you can find the one that matches your availability, interest and talents! Interested in learning more? Contact Us today!

Share your talents

Do you have a special skill or area of expertise that you could share with the PTA or our students? Let us know! As a volunteer organization, we often look to our parent community when the need arises for a specific area of expertise.


Each year we have additional opportunities to volunteer. There are room parents, art appreciation volunteers, media center volunteers, board positions and more. Check your weekly PTA email for upcoming opportunities or contact us to learn more.

Upcoming Events

January 2025
February 2025
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Signup or Renew Your Membership!

Your PTA membership gives you an opportunity to get involved with your child’s school experience, voting rights at general PTA meetings, and the privilege to chair a committee. Your membership also grants you access to DirectorySpot.