Fun Run

Thank you so much for participating in our 2nd annual Ben Franklin Fun Run!!! Funds raised in our Fun Run will go to support the many programs the Ben Franklin PTA provides for our students and teachers. This includes social events like Carnival and Donuts with Grown-ups, High-Interest Day, school assemblies, field trips, birthday books, recess equipment, social-emotional learning support items, contributing to the Ben’s Friends fund and so much more! At this year’s Fun Run every student will also be receiving a Ben Franklin spirit wear t-shirt!

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School understands the need to promote a healthy and educational fundraiser to our students while respecting parents’ repeated requests for an easy no-nonsense approach to helping us reach our budget goals. All donations are tax-deductible.

Race times: 
3rd:  8:45-9:30
1st:   9:35-10:20
Kindergarten AM: 10:25-10:55
Kindergarten PM: 12:40-1:10
5th:  1:10-1:55
4th: 1:55-2:40
2nd:  2:40-3:25


May 05 2023


All Day

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